Jenny Jefferies

Jenny Jefferies

Cookbook author
South Cambridgeshire based farmer’s wife and mother of two girls, Jenny Jefferies, compiled the successful debut book For The Love Of The Land; A Cook Book To Celebrate British Farmers And Their Food published by Meze Publishing. Forty fantastic farmers from all over the British Isles contribute both a recipe and a story about what British farming means to them. Minette Batters, The President of The National Farmers’ Union wrote the Foreword. A proportion of her royalties will be donated to The National Literacy Trust. Jenny’s eagerly anticipated second book For The Love Of The Sea; A cook book to celebrate the British seafood community and their food is out now, also published by Meze Publishing. 41 prominent people from the British Fish and Seafood industry contribute both a recipe and a story about what the sea and British fish and seafood mean to them. Marcus Coleman, the Chief Executive of has kindly written the Foreword. 22% of Jenny’s net profits will be paid in support of the RNLI.

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Features & Stories

Behind the Cookbook: Islands In A Common Sea

Behind the Cookbook: Islands In A Common Sea

Jenny Jefferies latest book expands the horizons of her work looking at farming and fishing, to take an international view, with stories and recipes from 25 producers around the world. We spoke to Jenny about how this book came about, and what she learned while bringing it together.
Consuming Passions: Chicken

Consuming Passions: Chicken

Once whilst in Malawi, Africa, I visited a local food market and my new friends chose a chicken to buy. We drove 15 miles back home with it in the back of the car, privately promising myself that I wouldn’t give it a name. As soon as we entered the shack, we slit its neck, drained the blood, plucked it, cooked it and enjoyed a delicious and hearty meal celebrating us simply being together. We ate the entire chicken, including the feet, and left only the beak….

Jenny's favorite cookbooks

Just One Pan

Just One Pan

Jane Lovett

Just One Pan is gorgeous. Beautiful images and recipes for all occasions. Hearty, homely and happy cooking at its very best.

British Baking

British Baking

Oliver Peyton

This was originally a gift from a good friend of mine when I went through a colossal baking phase many years ago! Well presented, it graces my sideboard ready for every baking opportunity.

Inspired Grazing

Inspired Grazing

Laura Billington

The Author and I share the same publisher, and I absolutely LOVE this cookbook. It is absolutely wonderful; with great ideas for sharing platters and grazing boards, both sweet and savoury. I’ve had so much fun trying to replicate the amazing plates for parties and gatherings.

The Cooking Of The British Isles

The Cooking Of The British Isles

My father bought this cookbook whilst working in Abu Dhabi. It is a very lovely, full colour epic journey around the British Isles with some classic and timeless British recipes. A much loved cookbook and treasured by the family.

The Garden Apothecary

The Garden Apothecary

Becky Cole

A brand new recipe book offering a concise, inspiring and joyful collection of your garden flowers, weeds and plants transformed into healing remedies including oils, syrups and infusion teas. Simply stunning.